I've got drunk a few times before. The last time was in January, and while writing this I calculated that it was a day under 6 months ago! I haven't got drunk since though, and I'm proud of it. I don't have a single good thing to say about getting drunk. I never want to get drunk again. Here are the reasons I don't like it:
- You end up feeling awful the next day (and it could lead to you just wasting the whole day doing sod all because you feel so bad)
- You might throw up
- You might lose stuff
- You might break stuff
- You could get into trouble with the law
- You could land yourself in hospital!
- You may disappoint your friends and/or family
- You might end up doing something you regret (even sexually)
- You will embarrass yourself!
- You will say things your sober mind would rather have kept quiet!
- You could get yourself seriously injured
- Your teeth will most likely feel very sensitive for 24hrs + + +
- You will waste lots of money!!!
- You will forget nearly the whole evening (no happy memories of fun with friends)
- Over time your health will deteriorate
- Pubs and clubs might throw you out
- You will put on lots of weight!
- You might think yourself 'fit to drive' and may cause serious, serious trouble
- You might even end up cheating on your beloved (or they might cheat on you!)
- Something really serious could happen to you
I could add lots more reasons, but I'll leave it there for now. Now I'm not some big 'anti-drink campaigner', as I still drink (and will explain why etc later). But I just want to air my view on why getting SO drunk is SO ridiculous!
In the past I have broken things or stained things etc. I've embarrassed myself greatly in front of family and friends, as well as general idiots I went to school with (I thought I could pole dance while in front of the school's 'cool crowd', need I say more). I once snogged a stranger for ages, and to this day I don't know his name or what he looked like. After this happened I ended up walking alone from Soho to Southwark (in London) at 2am (a fairly long walk + in heels!) and I don't even want to go into how 'at risk' I was. I was so LUCKY I made it back to where I was living okay. I've also snogged a male friend, and just generally behaved like a twat in the past. I've only thrown up whilst drinking once, but all the other health related reasons (bulleted above) are more than enough to make me drink rarely and a small bit at that.
My main grievance is that I just can't see the point of spending lots of money to not remember the evening and to feel like S**T when you wake up. Waking up with regrets. Slowly remembering that you upset people. Or even that you were intimate with someone you didn't even know. Or that you lost your fave mascara in the club. Or you have bruises. Why not save your money, or buy yourself nice food, or lovely clothes and make up, or something that's actually going to make you enjoy life with GOOD MEMORIES that you can ACTUALLY REMEMBER!!! Or buy something useful. Why not save up and go on a holiday? Your money could be spent so much more wisely!
Now I must say that I do still drink (as previously mentioned). But I only get tipsy at most, and that is a promise. When tipsy, you don't do anything you regret, you can remember the good times, you won't have done the bad and you don't end up feeling like S**T (unless a drunkard has decided in their 'wisdom' to beat you up ;) ). I like getting tipsy on some occasions (not all) because it means that I become a little more confident and a little more talkative. Now I'm sometimes a bit shy so this is a good thing. It also gives me a slight happy buzz, but that is all. And that's all I want from alcohol! Just those three things. So I can just go and dance and chat with friends and just be me, but slightly brought-out-of-my-shell. I am still very much sober, but just a more talkative and confident me! For me that's enough that I need to enjoy my night.
Now other people will of course be different to me, and sometimes this is a problem. I don't like drunken groups of lary lads that just shout obscene rude things to women. Constantly shouting footie chants and the like (please shut up). Some girls may even start on you (this has never happened luckily to me). But the problem I'm actually talking about is having friends that like to drink. Then you're the odd-one-out on a night out when they're all tanked up. The worst bit is having to look after them (although of course I care about my friends!!!) but it detracts from your night. You can't have fun because you have to look after them! Other people that annoy me, more than anything else, are those that try and FORCE you to drink. Sure, drinking games are fun, whether or not I have an alcoholic beverage in my hand. But, when people put lots of alcohol in your drink or force you to drink loads rather than a small sip on your turn or game forfeit, this is where I really draw the line. Seriously, just let me join in to have fun, but don't force me to get to a level of stupidity that I don't want to reach myself. Please don't get pissed just because all your friends are pissed!!! And if your friends like getting pissed on every night out, maybe find a few other friends who don't like drinking quite as much?
It's like people thinks it's cool to drink because everyone else says or thinks it's cool. Subconsciously - or very much consciously - some people are thinking: "All the 'cool people' from school/uni are all drinking and they say they have 'fun', so I must drink too so they validate me as being 'cool', or so I'm looked upon as being a good person to hang out with because I do the stuff that the 'cool' people do". I know that sounds long winded, but people seriously do live their lives like this! [[[Oooh I must make sure I look on trend and listening to the right music and hating the same people so people think I'm cool]]] GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!! I hate people that think like this. Just do what make you happy, not other people! :-)
Finally, I just want to say that you don't need to get drunk to have fun. Tipsy at most is the way to go :-) In my opinion of course. If you feel like you need to get drunk to be fun or interesting then YOU are the one that needs to get a LIFE. You're putting on a facade, a false impression that other people will percieve. You won't be showing them the real, wonderful, interesting and funny you! Let people know the true you, and you will find the true friends you've been looking for. So what if you're lonely for a little while; it'll be worth it until you find those real friends. I hate it when people (cough cough my ex-boyfriend) say: "Sorry guys I'm ill tonight so I'm not going to drink much, so I'll be really boring". How does that make any sense?!?!? And please don't go around (like my ex-boyfriend again!) bragging about having 57 units of alcohol in one night. You're not making anyone laugh. Only your own liver, which is laughing about how it's slowly going to cripple you if you carry on like this.
RANT OVER. Go and do whatever you want, I'm not telling you what you should and shouldn't be doing, it's just my opinions - just promise me this: don't be stupid. And please take on board at least something that I've said. And don't judge someone negatively just because they don't feel like drinking/a lot. Peace out!
See ya soon xxx
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